Oct 12, 2009


i dun get it.
wat so great bout fesbuk?
a lot of my pren like it.
i dun like it.
make me wan to yawn.
jas same as mespes and plenter.
u olredi noe ur pren.
u c them everiday.
why need all tis?
u can mesej them like owez.
y? y?
boling la kena jaga ini akoun.
bukak2,orang xkenal pun add juga.
last2,pren list manyak penuh olang i xkenal.
macam fester n mespes juga.
apa beza?
ada kuiz ka?


Othman Juliana said...

Dik, I guess you don't really need FB now as you are just right besides your friends. As for myself personally, it's a great place to get back and keep in touch with your long lost friends (specially back then, such ten years back). FB is so much better compare to FS & MS-well, kurang kanak2 sket utk kami yang dah tua ni (",).

Adding unknown friends? Again, choice is yours to accept or not. If you are celebrity or politician, you will accept everyone as your friends. Or even if you love to have new friends. As for me, I only accept those whom i really know (friends back in school-1996, ex-colleagues, ex-UUM, etc).

Its your choice to design how your FB be. Ten years from now, there will more new accounts as such and maybe it will be so much better then FB and that time, you will appreciate it more. Senyum.

Kak Nona.

Ps. Cuma kadang-kadang pelik untuk mereka2 yang sentiasa online utk FB (main game kat FB), FS, etc walaupun time keje. Specially yg keje gomen. Maaf, tp makan gaji buta ke? Skang aku tahu, mana pg nya income tax aku byr dulu-utk bg mkn pkerja gomen yg mkn gaji buta. *ditujukan hanya kepada mereka yang mkn gaji buta-klu bkn, jgn terasa.

azyan azilah said...

you totally hit the right spot there. ala,byk je membe adek yg pnjm broadband kawan kunun tok wat keje,but then byk buat quiz kat fb. pe sonok nye men quiz tu pun? byk mengarut jerk.

neway,i made up tiz acc to upload my frens pic from raya. tu je. then,xtau nk wat pe dah. haha

signi said...

wow pnjgnye komen.but btul la tu..
fesbuk bg aku plg bez ar skg ni.aku make it simple ar

+bukan cm ms,fster means that ko xya jaga sgt,xya nak edit2 tuka layout dsb
+lbh mature
+lbh selamat dr ms n fster
+bkn takat org muda je ley gune,budak kecik or org tua pun blh..
+tmpt communicate tok org yg berada di mana2 je serata dunia ni
+cheaper than sms/call


mngkn pd ko fesbuk tk best,but lbh ramai lg yg gune fb skg ni compared to ms n fster.kwn2 pun jauh2 merata dunia,so fb mmg relevan tok ktorg.

Othman Juliana said...

as said, it will be useful when u near my badge (badge kaaa? haha). Quiz ka, games ka, sometimes it will be fun. But most of the time, depa makan gaji buta la tu! (for students: errr..)

My FB/FS are not updated with new pics. So, it doesn't really a concern. Cuma satu, I have this one mate (bdk Uni dulu), she'll update everything even what she was eating, potong kuku and such. Pergh, i guess her life must be such a prank as she thought she's a celebrity! wakakakaka~

From some other view, I feel bad and pity for her. Takde life kaa semua nak report kat FB!!!

Kak Nona: sign up FB mula2 sbb terjmpe kekasih lama~ wakakakakakak..

Othman Juliana said...


Not only FB sayang, but what ever you do that related with the net-you can reach them (family/friends) when ever and anywhere you want-as long you can be online. wepiee!

Cara communicate yang terbaik will be Skype-no doubt (yele, nama pun communicate kan-baik ckp terus, warghhh). But, when it comes to FB-hampir sama dengan aje dengan FS/MS. Cuma FB ni ramai yang professional guna-kurang kanak2 dari yang lain buat masa ini.

Adik, tunggu je lagi 10 taun-guess what, you will need FB (atau yg lebih canggih manggis) to communicate with me!!! haha~

Kak Nona: posting paling sakit ati tgk, "boring nak kerja, benci nak kerj or malas nak kerja". Guess what, majority are government servant!!! Siot aje Kak Nona byr income tax dulu!!! Ciss!!

zulaikha said...

aku pon xtau ingt nape ak bukak fesbuk dulu...

yg ak ingt, ak bkk fenster sbb xnk lost contact ngn member.
time tu br lepas spm...
masing2 dah jauh.
so ak pon bkak la fs....
p/s: time tu ramai bleh kate sume gne fs lg...

kadang2 lost contact jugak..
same ade ak jarang bkk fs/fb
or diorang jarang bukak~~

azyan azilah said...

safwa : pe mksd ko lebih mature? in what way? quiz2 tu mature? haha lebih selamat? part mane tu? ala,kalo dak kecik n org tu mmg la diorg ley guna (kalo diorg nk.). haha. xpueh hati. xpueh hati gak.

kak nona : yg jenis update evrything to bek soh die pakai twitter je. boleh update dr hp lg. haha pesan kat die tau??

kalo tggu 10 thn g,mmg sgt2 berguna la tok anta kad jmptn. pastu,lost contact blk. hahaha kalo sakit ati baca,komen blk kat diorg. "WOI,BUAT KEJE LA. JGN MKN DUIT INCOME TAX AKU!!" bez x idea ni?

zul: tu yg aku pelik tu. sama je. kalo ko dah jenis maleh nk aktive tu,bagi je la pape pun. haram.

Othman Juliana said...

dik, org bodo ni klu kte sound-kebodohan akan lebih mencacak. opss, bhs kasar ke? hehe, reality.

twitter? ada gk kot. org mcm ni-smua mende dia ada & smua mende dia update. wat a suck life!!

*bile blk dik? nk transfer gmbo konvo beh,..

azyan azilah said...

sebab kita dah tau die bodoh la kena sound tepat kat muka. baru betul padan muka. hakhak

lmbt g kowt. org konvo,adek exam dowh~