Nov 10, 2010

lets scream loud and clear!!

UNIQLO is now open at Fahrenheit 88 on Bukit Bintang
- where KL Plaza used to be.

UNIQLO is open in KL! okey,seriously before this aku tak pernah tahu apa itu UNIQLO until *someone* went to Japan *uhuk uhuk* and tell me about it.

Basically UNIQLO ni macam retail shop yang jual banyak-banyak baju yang smart lagi affordable *for those yang ada banyak banyak duit la* and nice.

So, in collaboration with Oda Tatsumi yang keluarkan One Piece (okey,jerit sekarang. KYAAAAA~~~~ ) yang dah bersiaran selama 13 tahun, UNIQLO as one of top fashion retailer in Japan keluarkan limited collections of shirts featuring Luffy and Going Merry's gang of Straw Hat Pirates. Awesome kan?

tapi masa pergi ari tu tak dapat tengok semua collection. Only a few design yang ada, tu pun banyak yang dah habis. And i'm not sure wether diorang keluarkan tak semua collection ni kat Malaysia.

Anyway, enjoy these awesome shirt. And don't forget to go to UNIQLO today! LOL terasa macam buat iklan di blog pulak.

And for those who are not an Otaku like us, don't be sad cuz UNIQLO also collaborated with many other cartoon such as Tom & Jerry, Disney's character such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and also Dragonball. yay!

hey cutie... i mean the one on the shirt,
not the one wearing it. LOL

guys guys. I can hear your screams from here laaa...

credit pictarrrrrrrr : Shino's Journal, freshness, Urban Gear and Junk Online!


azam baizen said...

suka mickey ! baper rm yan baju cm2?

azyan azilah said...

biasa rm49.90 kowt. masa aku pergi ari tu harga dia turun sampai rm29.90.

tapi tak semua collection yang aku tunjuk ni ada kat malaysia nye outlet.

Sirr said...


yaaaann!!!!!nak baju luffy tuh.....seyezly...coolio!!!

azyan azilah said...

smart kan??? gile betul masa aku tengok ari tuuu. tapi kenapa die bukak masa xde duit ni???

arrgghhh stress stress~~~

Sirr said... baru tgk via blog ko..
kalo pegang baju die lagi ar...haha

Luffy become so much cooler at the latest episode^^

azyan azilah said...

tapi yang bertambah cool is Sanji. nampak kacak gileeeeeee.

everyone became more matured and more awesome in their own way. gile ah Oda-san!!! i freaking love you!!!


okey,gile kejap. sorry. heh

Sirr said...

he should cure his sickness so he would really look cool! :P

its refreshing talking this with others

fullstop. ^^

azyan azilah said...

"its refreshing talking this with others"

what does this means? nobody else you got to talk about?

sigh~~ us otaku are always hidden somewhere. truthfully, i haven't meet many other people to talk about manga and stuff too. just some.

Sirr said...

people at mangafox and some other forums are willing to talk bout this.

tapi nak cari people that we know and pernah jumpa is rare.(bunyi macam haiwan pupus pulak,hehe)

its you or pia jela yang slalu dgr aku bebel cmni. so feeling die mcm, waaaah...aku de kawan y sama interest..takdelah rasa cm aku da takleh wat bende2 ni lagi.hehe

lol, its true...they are hiding..i meet(through forum) two or three people at kuantan, tapi derang masih high school...bukan mcm kita.haha

azyan azilah said...

mayam,seriously nobody cares baout this?? OMG. at least aku ada gak la kawan lelaki yang agak okey untuk di discusskan pasal OP and manga, plus amek anime n movie dari die, but you.

dont you have anyone to talk about? arrgghh!! aku tak dapat bayangkan tak bestnya hidup cam2....

i wish you could find some other real-life people to talk about things like this. it's much cooler to have them then just babbling in online sites.

kau kena cari suami otaku jugak la mayam. or at least minat OP. heh

Sirr said...

yaaan....ko buat aku tergelak guling-guling baca komen ko tu.haha..

tula aku cakap, susah nak jumpa la yan real life ni. sampai satu tahap aku rasa bila borak dgn online-friends ni, i wish i were at their country, i wish i could meet them.heh, aku kan uia-budak2 mostly matured or tgk drama korea, cerita lom jumpa lagi...hehe)

ko carikan la utk aku,haha
aku semacam sudah invade konye comment plak..

azyan azilah said...

kau nak aku carikan untuk kau? haha jadi match-maker plak aku ye. xdela. kau cari la jodoh sendiri. aku hanya mampu doakan. hehehe

xpun kau cakap kat mak kau,
"mak, mayam nak mak carikan suami untuk mayam. tak kaya tak pe. janji dia gila komik macam mayam. okey mak? call me when you find one."


on a side note, aku tengok gak cerita korea, melodrama melayu. tapi anime manga still no 1. hehe biasala tu. remaja mana faham isi hati anak muda macam kita.

on the other side note, xpe, zul pun invade comment aku post ari tu. so no problem here. :)

Sirr said...

kalo aku cakap camtu, confirm kene kurung and kena tarik authority untuk gune internet....

haha..biarlah..soal jodoh tu..lambat lagi kot. Aku gumbira hidup begini :P

kiranya aku dialu-alukan untuk menambahkan junks kat comment ko la ni eh..
nanti-nanti aku datang lagi ye...
ko post r entry yang boleh menarik interest aku untuk post comment banyak2

p/s:read 'kingyo sou'..if you have time...

azyan azilah said...

di alu alukan mayam oi.. janji kau tak lupa click nuffnang kat tepi. haha

kingyo sou? i will when i'll be at home. hehe try beelzebub.

owh yeah,lupa plak nk gtau kau. aku buat tumblr sebab banyak fan art yg lawa-lawa. try search "fuckyeahonepiece dot tumblr" kat google.

dan aku dah compile gamba2 berkenaan untuk buat wallpaper. nanti aku publish kat blog. saja untuk bagi kau jeles. heh