*this is a one lengthy hell of a post. get the hell out if you are too lazy to read*
1. Pecah
kalau ada orang yang datang tanya aku, "apa buku Fixi yang kau recommend kan?", first thing in mind is Pecah. Pecah is awesome, mind-blowing and just plain cool. Okey, i was a bit exaggerating over there, but it is true. Pecah was a great choice to start Fixi's line of books.
What does Pecah contains? hurm.. action, a lil bit of love, thriller (?) and others. wrote about it months ago, so kindda lazy to talk about it again. You can read the review in here, if you like. It's my top/number 1 recommendation. Why it was so important to get this book? well first, Pecah itself dah lari dari norma buku-buku novel melayu biasa kat Malaysia ni. I mean like come on, stok buku novel melayu semua stok buku cinta kot. Who can honestly say they saw one Malay book (fiction of course) which does not highlighting love story as the main attraction? Yeah maybe some of them are different, such as Faisal Tehrani, Haji Awang Murshid, but not much right?
...and this one. I saw this book at Kinokuniya's Asian Literature.
kindda intriguing but didn't have enough money at that time.
It said "Step aside Horatio, Mislan's here." how cool was that?!
But there's only one thing frustrates me more than a crappy book. PECAH KELUAR HARDCOVER OI. and the hardcover are waaaaayyyy cooler than the previous ones. dammit! i am so jelly. Dahla aku beli buku Pecah time tu kertas dia still pakai kertas putih! Urgh! jeles!
dammit! cool gila! aarrgghhh!!!! *tarik-tarik rambut*
I don't know about you guys but Dosa is definitely one of the top books i've read.Wrote about it too, on the synopsis and the characters inside it, in here. Just like what i said in the review, permulaan buku ini agak bosan. TAPI BERTAHAN. sebab bila korang dah biasa dengan lenggok dan permainan bahasa Nuril Basri (author of Dosa), makin lama makin selesa. sebab buku ini bukan tentang cinta. Ia tentang persahabatan, tentang bond of brothers, dan sebagainya. Serious, bila aku habis baca buku ni, terasa terharu, it was like a great adventure has come to an end. Seronok sangat.
Why you must buy this book? Because it showed humanity. It showed remorse, blood bond between humans, how life often throws the worst at you, and how the character turns it around. Sudah-sudah la dengan cerita cinta tu. Mari baca buku yang mengajar tentang erti kehidupan sekejap. hahahahaha
There's only one thing that makes me intrigues till now. I wanna see 'the making of' this book cover. Looking at the cover, korang tak rasa curious ke nak tahu macam mana diorang shoot gambar tu? hahahahahahhaha :D
3. Bisik
Well, I do like Bisik. I guess one of the suitable theme song for Bisik is Stan by Eminem. haha not much over the lyrics, but the concept. you got me? you got me? yeah okey forget it.
Bisik? apa yang menarik? Tema psychological digunakan dalam ni. dan yang paling awesome, cara-cara bunuh orang yang agak detail, buat aku boleh imagine dengan latar-latar belakang sekali. haha Cool gila! Although the ending was kindda expected, but it was cool enough to made me put it in the top 3. hahaha
i like the cover. it was my most favourite cover in all of Fixi's books.
well actually ada lagi point yang nak letak but i was too lazy. STILL, you have to buy this one. beli!
4. Kelabu
I guess kelabu was worth the read, for it was the most heavy and thick novel compared to all the other novels in Fixi. For those yang tak minat cerita pasal bunuh-bunuh, rompak-rompak, kawan-kawan, anda disarankan baca buku ni. Penceritaan yang agak detail, tapi tidak bosan.
Plot dalam cerita ni berkembang dengan baik. Kita dapat lihat perkembangan karakter Amir, macam mana dia handle satu-satu situation, dan dari situ kita boleh judge sendiri macam mana personaliti dia. Aku boleh kata yang aku shock dengan revelation in the middle of the story. penulis tiba-tiba bagitau kebenaran with a casual manner. aku macam "HEKELEH!" serious. itu ayat yang aku keluarkan once dah tahu. dammit! tertipu! haha
wajib beli oi! hahaha
Actually Fixi ada banyak lagi buku yang best. But as usual i am too lazy to write up about it. kat atas kata nak tulis semua kan? kan? kan? pemalas!
So yeah, this is my top 4 Fixi recommended books. I am not eligible to talk about it since i haven't done reading Ngeri & Invasi, plus i didnt buy Licik yet, coz you know, money problem. But other than that, i guess I've read almost 80% of Fixi's books, excluding Licik n SiTora. Haiiihhhh~~ nanti nak keluar Hilang and Murtad plak. duit! turun dari langit cepat! :)