May 21, 2011

Once upon a time..........

Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a house across the field from a girl who no longer exist. They made up a thousand games. She was the Queen and he was the King. In the autumn light, her hair shone like a crown. They collected the world in small handfuls. When the sky grew dark they parted with leaves in their hair.


"Let's stand under a tree," she said.
"Because it's nicer."
"Maybe you should sit on a chair, and I'll stand above you, like they always do with husbands and wives."
"That's stupid."
"Why it's stupid?"
"Because we're not married."
"Should we hold hands?"
"We can't."
"But why?"
"Because people will know."
"Know what?"
"About us."
"So what if they know?"
"It's better when it's a secret."

"So no one can take it from us."


"If I had a camera," The boy said, "I'd take a picture of you everyday. That way I'd remember how you looked every single day of your life."
"I look exactly the same."
"No, you don't. You're changing all the time. Every day a tiny bit. If I could, I'd keep a record of it all."
"If you're so smart,how did I change today?"
"You got a fraction of a millimeter taller. Your hair grew a fraction of millimeter longer."
"What else?"
"You got a little happier and also a little sadder."
"Doesn't that means they cancel each other out, leaving me exactly the same?"
"Not at all. The fact that you got a little happier today doesn't change the fact that you also become a little sadder. Everyday you become a little more of both, which means right now, at this exact moment, you're the happiest and the saddest you've ever been in your whole life."
"What about you? Are you the happiest and the saddest right now that you've ever been?"
"Of course I am."
"Because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you."

The History of Love, Nicole Krauss

May 9, 2011

On a Very Humble Note...

how should i start...

Pada sesiapa yang dah baca Kapal Terbang Kertas #1, aku nak clarify kat sini yang sesungguh nya yang aku bukan nak tagih simpati, bukan nak buat cerita dan bukan nak bujet bagus atau seangkatan dengannya. Sesungguh nya mula-mula aku taip untuk tulis cerita ni, aku terasa nak luahkan, dan honestly aku rasa macam nak cari balik Hafiz ni. Aku nak jumpa dia sebab dia kawan aku. Dan tidak aku dan kekasih hati tidaklah mengalami kelambungan ombak atau apa-apa walaupun kami selalu gaduh. Jangan buat gossip okey.

The reason why I did this entry? Just wanna clarify some things. Berapa lama dah cerita ni? Jap aku form one 2002, dan aku jumpa Hafiz kat MiRC masa aku form 3 (2004). Dah 7 tahun. Dan berapa kali sejak aku buat blog ni aku terfikir untuk tulis pasal aku dan Hafiz, cuma keberanian tidak di situ. Jadi kali ini bila aku tulis dan ceritakan aku harap tak de spekulasi atau apa-apa.

Ahahaha sepertinya Kapal Terbang Kertas (KTK) aku ni mencapai ribuan pembaca padahal hanya segelintir saja yang baca kan? Maafkan aku. Aku fikir lebih baik kita mencegah dari mengubati.

Dan ye exam sudah berakhir. Marilah berjoget dan bergembira sementara waktu masih ada. 16hb Mei dah nak masuk short sem balik. (T_T)

Harap kamu sabar tunggu KTK #2. (>.<)

Enjoy! Happy resting peeps!

May 7, 2011

Kapal Terbang Kertas #1

Reading Awek Chuck Taylor made me think about my own love story. Boleh ke dikatakan love story? Entahlah. Tapi bagi aku ini adalah antara memori antara yang indah dan tak dapat aku lupakan. Sebab peristiwa ni dah lama berlalu tapi masih terpahat dalam ingatan aku.

Masa tu aku baru lepas tingkatan 3. 2004 I guess. Internet baru naik dan yang tengah boom adalah MiRC. Pernah main tak?

After PMR dah setel, rasa macam nak bebas dan nak mencari sesuatu yang seronok. Sebab masa tu rumah aku masih lagi takde computer sendiri dan internet connection, jadi aku selalu cari peluang untuk pergi ke cc. Habit untuk masuk dalam MiRC ni start masa kat sekolah. SMK Sungai Pusu to be exact. The only computer that is available untuk student masa tu ada dalam Bilik Cyber. Geng –geng aku masa tu sanggup lari dari prep untuk lepak dalam Bilik Cyber sebab nak chatting. Aku masih ingat lagi member ajar ASL tu apa. For those yang tak tahu ASL stands for age/sex(gender)/location. And frankly dalam MiRC ramai gila orang yang cari ajak buat sex.

Tapi malangnya aku sebagai seorang gadis yang innocent lagi naïf seronok berchatting dalam MiRC untuk cari member baru. Adalah tersangkut seorang gila seks tapi yang tu akan aku ceritakan nanti. The story of me and Hafiz starts from here.

Macam biasa hari tu aku lepak kat cc untuk chatting dalam MiRC. Kalau tak silap dia ada bilik or forum yang lain-lain. Macam satu community or tempat lepak yang kau masuk dan berkenalan dengan semua orang. Ada kotak private dan ada kotak umum. Kau kenalkan diri kau dalam kotak umum tu dan kalau ada orang yang kau nak kenal,masuk dalam kotak private. Macam tu la lebih kurang. I cant really remember.

So aku masuk dalam satu bilik dan start cari nama-nama yang boleh kata best untuk ajak borak dan berkenalan. Then aku nampak nama hapiece86. The thing is, masa tu aku dah mula jadi otaku dan the word ‘piece’ reminds me so much of One Piece. Jadi aku prompt untuk mesej in private, solely because I thought he was into comics too, just like me.

‘hey. ASL please’

‘hafiz/male/seremban. You?’

‘yan/f/gombak. Keje ke?’

‘xla. Belajar lagi.’

It started from a simple ‘Hey’ but it turns out to be a very nice conversation between me and Hafiz. The details arent very important but at least I got a new friend. Lepas dah puas berborak, jam dah tunjuk pukul 5 petang. By the way masa tu mak balik dari kerja and I gotta be at home before 5.30. aku terpaksa balik dulu and before I got back

‘yan boleh dapatkan nombor telefon? Senang sikit nak mesej lepas ni.’

And like a good innocent kid I gave my number to him. It was very dangerous, very inappropriate for a girl like me to do such thing, but nevertheless it was a decision I never regret of doing.

Lepas sampai je rumah Hafiz mesej. Dia tanya wether dah sampai ke belum, selamat ke tak. And I replied.

A simple hai can made someone smile and a simple care made everyone felt appreciated. Aku dan Hafiz berbalas mesej, pagi dan petang. We get to know each other. What is your favourite food, your music genre, things like that. And the funny thing is,I still remember his favourite color,red and black. We do talk a lot though. Rumah Hafiz dekat Seremban, which near the airport. Jadi selalu sangat nampak kapal terbang lalu lalang atas rumah dia. Dan setiap kali ada kapal terbang, Hafiz akan pandang atas dan bagitahu aku kapal terbang negara mana yang lalu pada masa tu. Kalau tak silap aku, setiap kapal terbang ada warna lampu dan corak masing-masing untuk membezakan sesama mereka. Too often Hafiz saw these lights made him remembers almost everything. Hafiz selalu cerita pada aku tentang lampu-lampu tu semua, and I as a good listener always listen to him very carefully. Kami berborak dekat balkoni sambil pandang ke langit sama-sama. Since he loves looking at the airplane, he tend to love the sky too. And because of him, I really love staring at the skies. Kami kira, berapa bintang yang ada pada masa tu, bentuk bulan, bentuk awan. Cheesy I know but that is exactly what we did back then.

Hafiz is a tough guy but honestly he is gentle. Contoh, dia pernah menyanyikan aku sebuah lagu dengan gitar dia, which unfortunately I didn’t know what it was since I was so ignorant back then. And yes guys, take note. It doesn’t matter how harsh or how tough a girl can be, when you sing a song to her thru a guitar, trust me she’ll fall for you immediately. And yes I already felt for him at that time. He was so sweet to me. Aku ingat lagi masa tu aku tersenyum sendiri atas tilam, dan tergelak kecil masa dia nyanyikan lagu punk, I guess. Dan oh ya masa tu Hafiz sibuk dengan geng Sharp. Flashback. Masa tu tengah zaman punk nak up, dan I guess diorang ada masalah dengan geng Sharp. Owh well I never care about those things anyways. Does anybody care to tell me more about this Sharp-Punk thing?

Few months later, I was back in school. Seperti biasa sekolah menengah macam kami sentiasa ada pelajar yang pindah ke SBP atau sekolah yang lebih hebat dengan alasan sekolah tu lebih baik. Dan juga seperti pelajar sekolah menengah yang normal, kami mengada nak adakan reunion dengan kawan yang baru beberapa bulan tak jumpa. I was a part of that reunion and because of I seldomly get the chance to get out, I asked Hafiz to come and meet me. It was our first time ever of seeing each other and I was extremely nervous. Aku bagitahu kawan aku pasal ni dan tempat pertama kami berjumpa dekat Mid Valley. But the thing is….

‘Hafiz macam mana aku nak kenal kau bila aku jumpa kau nanti?’

‘Jangan risau. I’ll know you.’
