Dec 29, 2008

takkan sama lagi...

Entahla.. apa je yang aku wat sume xbtol.. aku pening la.. aku wat ni salah,aku wat tu salah.. aku tol2 xtau nk wat pe g.. nk luah kan kat spe pun xtau. Salah aku ke sume ni terjadi?? Ntahla.. aku pun xtau.. aku tol2 dah xlarat nk pikir dah.. ntah brape byk air mata ni tumpah.. berat tol cabaran kali ni kan?? Aku macam dah xlarat dah nk pikul.. aku sayang,tp kalau macam ni la yg jadi,mampu ke kitorg bertahan sampai bila2? Aku xnak berpisah.. aku xnak kitorg jauh.. tp mende dah jadi.. after this,nothing will ever be the same again.. trust me.. what should I do?? Susahnya nak memilih antara cita dan cinta.. spe yg ley wat dgn begitu cemerlang nya,aku mmg tabik gle2.. aku rasa cam hati dah terbelah 18.. luka2 yang terjadi tol2 wat aku sakit.. sampai aku rasa dah xde tenaga dah.. kata2 yang diucapkan pun dah jadi cam xde makna.. nothing.. the feeling isn’t da same anymore.. patut ke aku biarkan sume ni berlalu n let time decide for us? People say,time can heal everything.. is it true?? Can I believe in that ? what should I believe in now? Me? You? Our love? What? There’s not a word that can describe my feelings rite now.. god,I hate this.. this feeling suck.. am I taking things lightly?? Ntahla.. theorically,things seems right.. in reality?? S.u.c.k.. reality does suck rite?? Am I suppose to change? Are u suppose to change? Who should be heard?? who should be blamed?? Will we remain?

Never be the same again….
3.25 a.m
28 dec 2008

confession of my heart..

i'm sorry for what i've said.. i just very2 very2 deppressed.. i dun know what else i should do.. i'm sorry if my word hurts u.. if sorry if i said sumthing that kill u.. i'm sorry friends,coz we have been friends for years now.. eventhough you guys r not that perfect (but so do i),you guys still my fren.. i'm so sorry especially to u.. this thing r not turning up well,not as i expected it to be.. but somehow,no matter what happened between us,no matter what u think,no matter what i said,i still believe in you, and i still believe in our love.. just so u know,i really love u.. no one can replace u in my heart.. i'm sorry...

Dec 27, 2008

just dont give a damn.

aku skunk tgh tensen gle2.. aku dah xtau nk wat pe.. aku rasa tertipu,aku rasa tertekan sgt2... aku rasa,kepercayan yang aku bagi selama nih cam xberguna.. cam boleh dibuang cam2 je.. aku rasa penat.. lelaki mmg ske wat pompuan camni kan?? korunk taburkan janji2 manis korunk,pastu ble pompuan dah percayakan janji tu,n mintak korunk tunaikan,skit pun xmampu.. aku skunk cam dah susah dah nk cayakan janji2 mains dari kaum adam nih.. tipu tol sume tuh.. dah la korunk mmg xnk percayakan kitorg kan? ingat kitorg ni jahat sgt ke?? pompuan nih mmg lumrah die menipu lelaki ke?? if u cant trust in me now,what use of loving me?? what is love to u?? is it sumthing that u can trow away after u have done o bored with it? is it sumthing that really make ur head explode that u dont ever want to think about it again?? i really cant believe that i actually believe in u... i believe in everything that u said.. ok fine. if u really love ur friend, and u listen to them more than u listen to me,then go to ur fren. dont call me again. go to them who only relay on u when they are in pain,yg membahan when u r in probs,who ran away when u need help. go! ran to them. hug them as tight as u can! dont call me or dont msj me anymore. i can live without u. i can try. even it kill me. i just dont give a damn anymore. not anymore.

Dec 26, 2008

a hero??

don't know what i should do..
am i hurting you?
please stop your tears,
i am hurt too.
the time like stop,
and the moon won't move,
moon say he'll wait,
as he is our prove.
will you wait for me?
like the moon did?
as in your promise,
whe we were still kid.
when we ran in the rain,
or we sat by the lake,
the memory won't fade,
but my heart still ache.
trust me,will you?
as i trust you too.
if our love is true,
then forever will be
me and you....

3.07 a.m
-14 disember 2008-

puisi ni aku wat khas tok sumone tu,coz skunk ni aku yakin yg die tgh meragui aku.. kadang2 aku akui,yang aku akan amek keputusan yg menyusahkan die.. kedaan yang membuatkan aku amek keputusan ni.. kalo die bley tunggu aku,bagusla.. kalo x,aku pun xtau nk cakap ape.. ntahla.. aku skunk ni pening.. kdg2,die seolah2 xnak fahami aku.. ke aku yg bersalah?? aku sangat2 celaru.. peningla dengan sume nih!!! sumone,ley x tlg aku? tolong selamatkan aku dari sume nih? i need a hero....

Dec 25, 2008

ke'tegak'an bulu roma~~~

ri ni aku n nina midi g jitra,tgk wayang... mle2 ingat nk g tgk cite balak aku,leo tp wayang hanya ada kol 4.3o.. ne sempat.. nk blk g.. xmo aku di'blok' kad.. so,kitorg pun decide la nk tgk histeria.. aku senonye xske tgk cite melayu kat wayang.. bukan xnk support ke ape.. nnt,last2 tgk kat tv gak nye lah! kompom.. tu yg leceh tu.. oleh kerna jitra mall tu xbg aku byk sgt choice,aku pun terpaksa akur... tyme dah tgk tu,rasa penat sgt.. npe penat?? coz dok menutup mata n mengadu2 kat nina.. nina pun penakut gak upenye.. haha~ nmpk je rockerz~ hahahaha... ala,aku pun lebey kurang gak la.. tp siyes,seram gak dowh.. owh,br ku tau kenape skool aku dlu xde cermin kat toilet.. hehehe~~ seram siot.. haha~ ok gak la cite die.. teringat aku kat kisah2 sg pusu dlu.. seram.. mcm2 yg jadi... nk cite pun cam chuak.. adeh! dah la aku tinggal sorg kat bilik mlm nih.. rumate aku sumenye pulang.. nganganga~~ bersabarla wahai azyan! hehe chuak2.. kne bukak lampu ni.. xpun tido bilik wani.. huhu~

weh,cite pe kat skool dlu?? haha~ ni cite baek punye.. aku rasa mmbr yang baca blog aku ni cam dpt agk la pe mende yg aku nk cite.. camne hah aku nk start?? erm,skool kitorg lokasi die cam strategik skit tau.. elok2 kat tgh2 antara batu caves n pergunungan kat blakang tuh.. tu yg org dok kata,skool aku tmpt laluan 'ehem2' ke batu caves.. ada gak junior aku yg nmpk mende yg begitu tinggi dan mungkin berbangsa india (gelap la kulit die maksudnye..) melangkah 2 kali je dari gunug kat blakang ke batu caves..... huhu~ seram x?? bapak besar la gitu.. huhu ada g tau.. tp,isyh,seram la nak cite.. aku dah teringat2 kat muvie td.. nnt la aku cite g.. haha~ da~

Dec 24, 2008