Aug 27, 2009

the news

the news strike and hit me hard.
i could only smile.
what else should i say,
to comfort my lil and tiny heart?
i knew this will come.
sooner or later.
aku kena kuat kan?
kena teruskan hidup.
kuat la yan!
pelik kan wanita ni?
dalam senyuman masih ada tangisan.
dalam ketawa masih ada air mata.
betapa banyak aku merayu,
dia tetap akan pergi.
ini hakikat.
aku kena terima.
the pain is too painful.
so strong that i almost cant bear.
kuat la yan!

Aug 22, 2009

why i love bulan puasa

obviously,because of the food!! haha. no,just joking guys. food is just a part of the reason why i love ramadhan. there's do many other things but i just wanna focus on food first. spe2 yang xtahan, bek blah awal2. xpun korunk baca post aku mlm nnt ke. ingat,aku dah warning awal2 ni. hehe

yang paling aku ske skali ialah kueh cara. pergh,kesedapan nye mmg buat aku ngigau malam2. aku sangat ske kueh cara ni. aku xtau npe. kalo dulu,aku xtau pe nama kueh ni. aku asyik tunjuk2 kat mak, "mak,nk kueh tu.. nk kueh tu!" sambil tunjuk2. mak aku pun konpius,kueh mana satu ni.. last2,baru aku tau kueh apakah itu. neway,aku rasa npe aku ske kueh cara tu coz bile aku gigit je kueh tu,mesti tumpah2 air gula die. nmpk cam menarik je. gpun,makin aku besar, aku makan skali ngap je kueh cara ni. lagi layan. tak membazir.

second,aku ske popia basah. kat pasa malam umah aku mmg ada satu tmpt tu yg aku cukup ske beli popia die. layan gile. start dari tu,ak mle timbul minat tok bli popia. yang aku tau,de satu popia basah yg siyez layan gile kat wangsa melawati. tp aku xpenah try g la. xde transport. de spe2 nk tumpangkan aku g sne?

pastu,aku ske gak kat ayam percik. spe2 yg xske ke? kesedapan ayam percik ni bukan terletak kat ayam die yg dipanggang samapai hitam,bukan terletak kat besar atau x ayam tu, tp terletak pada kesedapan kuah tersebut. kalo pandai org tu buat kuah die,mmg laris la ayam percik ko. mostly,tyme pegi bazar ramdhan,aku mst tercari2 ayam percik. pergh,layan gile. xkire makan macam 2 je ke or makan dgn nasi ke.. mmg layan.

ada satu benda yang aku rasa macam xkne kalo aku tak tulis kat sini. murtabak. xlengkap rasanya aku cite sal makanan kat bazar kalo aku xcite sal murtabak. murtabak mmg popular. kenyang dan lazat. seswai tok dimakan beramai2, berebut2 dgn abg sendri tok amek the last piece of murtabak. every puasa family aku akan bli murtabak. konon tok alas perut b4 makan nasi. padahal mkn murtabak je rasa cam dah knyg dah. mane x nye,skali bli,2 3 murtabak. mne xpenuh.

abah n mak aku cukup ske makan tepung pelita. aku pun xtau npe. aku xla ske mana tepung pelita ni. ntah mana sedapnye. tp bantai je la yek? org dah bli. abah aku cukup xske kalo aku mkn tepung pelita ni. coz aku mesti mkn part atas je, yg wane putih tu. santan kan? yg tu je aku ske. yg pandan kat bwh tu aku xske. haha

pe lagi? ha,kalo asik mkn je,mst tercekik kan? so,air yg ley-kurang-wajib la dlm family aku adalah air soya. abah aku dlu keje kat nestle,so every puasa je mst ada air soya free. best gile. haha kdg2 bapak aku bwk blk berkotak2,tok bukak posa je. best kan? igt x, dlu ada yeos campur la,mende2 ntah. xsedap langsung. bagi aku,kalo nk minum air soya, kne la minum air soya yg pure. xyah campur2 dgn mende asing ni. baru la layan~ haha

so,aku rasa spe2 yg baca post aku kali ni mesti dah telan air liur buat kebrape kali nye. saba2. jap g dah bukak posa dah. kalo xtahan,jgn tgk. baca mlm kang. haha.

Aug 18, 2009


What is netomania or as we called it, internet addiction disorder? It is a maladaptive pattern of Internet use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress. Internet addiction disorder (IAD), or more broadly Internet overuse, problematic computer use or pathological computer use is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life.

Early in 1995, New York psychiatrist Ivan Goldberg, MD, announced the appearance of a new addiction: people abandoning their family obligations to sit gazing into their computer monitor as they surfed the Internet. Ivan Goldberg took pathological gambling as diagnosed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as his model for the description of IAD. However, IAD receives coverage in the press, and its classification as a psychological disorder is being debated and researched.

Online activities would normally be considered troublesome, such as compulsive gambling or shopping, are sometimes called net compulsions. Others, such as reading or playing computer games, are troubling only to the extent that these activities interfere with normal life. Supporters of disorder classification often divide IAD into subtypes by activity, such as excessive viewing of pornography overwhelming and excessive gaming, inappropriate involvement in online social networking sites or blogging, and Internet shopping addiction. For many patients, overuse or inappropriate use of the Internet is merely a manifestation of their depression, anxiety, impulse control disorders, or pathological gambling. The Internet is largely a pro-social, interactive, and information-driven medium, while gambling is seen as a single, anti-social behavior that has very little social redeeming value. So-called Internet addicts do not suffer from the same damage to health and relationships that are common to established addictions.

Based on here, 17% of youth addicted to internet. China Communist Youth League (CCYL) research subsidiary China Youth & Children Research Center (CYCRC) released a report on January 10 on Chinese youth. According to the report, 17.1 percent of Chinese citizens between the ages 13 and 17 are addicted to the Internet. In the other hand, one Beijing judge, Shan Xiuyun, claimed that 85 percent of juvenile crime in the city was Internet-related. This proves that Internet addiction is nothing more than brings us harm and danger.

Aug 12, 2009

Where is our manners?

I’ve been thinking bout this for quite some time now. Well,this happens to most of us, don’t u think? Now,most people have lost their manners. Come on la guys, susah ke tok cakap pls or even a simple thanz to other people? Entahla.. makin hari makin susah tok aku dgr these words. Sometimes,I intended to help but the act stop there when they kindda forgotten to say please or thanz. Terus, dari nk tlg, terus xjadi tlg, or terus xikhlas nk tlg. Yela,kekdg kite cam terlupa kan nk ckp please or tolong.. I get it. I’ve been through the situation for some times now. Selalunye kalo kite dgn kekawan kite yg dah rapat tu pun kkdg cam lpe nk ckp kan? Cam suruh je (macam ok?) padahal kite xsedar yg die terasa. Tp try to talk nicely, no matter how rush or how busy you are. Kite kan org melayu,penuh adat dan sopan. Xkesahla betapa moden nye kite, betapa rockersnye, xkan sampai lpe budi bahasa? Xkanla.. no offense kay pada sesapa yg terasa. But yeah, this kind of thing kekdg cam dah dilpe kan. Org dah tak amek kesah sal ni semua. Tp bg aku, walau mcm mana pun kite, budi bahasa tu kne jaga. Aku selalu marah anak buah aku (coz aku xde adek).. If u wanted to ask for sum1’s help,then asked properly. Dont be rude. Kalo kite bek pun, dpt bantuan yg ikhlas. Xde nk mara2. As if “kalo xmo tlg,bek xyah tlg kalo xikhlas”.. xde ckp2 belakang. Ko happy,aku pun happy. Kan? But then susah sgt org skunk nk tny/mintak tlg bek2. Ha, the word “minta tolong” tu pun kite dah ley terjemah dah. Nk meminta sedikit pertolongan. Kalo dah minta, de ke org nk bg kalo minta kasar2? Xde kan.. xde la nk mencarut2 mengamuk2+xpuas hati nnt.. simple je sume ni. Dun make a mountain out of a molehill. Terjemahan die, jgn besarkan perkara kecik bai.. kalo bek,aku bek. Simple.

Notakaki : aku plg xske kalo2 aku senyum kat tgh2 jln kat stranger, die xsenyum blk. Bujet gile ko. Bujet hot ke dowh. Cam pantang je rasa. Duh!

Aug 10, 2009

too much

well,sometimes life is asking too much for us to bear.
u gotta be tough,and prepare.
but i just don't.
i dont ever want to let go,
i dont ever want feel the pain.
it was suffocating. harder to breath.
and i cant bear the truth.