Apr 28, 2013


Salam guys. Yes, I'm still alive. Last January I swore to myself  I want to make new post every month, to encourage writing in me. Promises promises. That seems to be happening a lot these days huh? Well. Few updates on what currently happening to me, as of today.


Alhamdulillah, akhirnya berjaya habiskan segala suka duka di UiTM Shah Alam. Dari Jun 2009 till January 2013 (well technically it should be until December 2012 only but we'll talk about that later), aku akhirnya dah selesaikan semua requirements yang UiTM suruh. Syukur walaupun ada sangkut satu dua, tapi berkat doa makpak, sokongan dan pertolongan rakan-rakan (seriously terima kasih!) dan yang penting pensyarah-pensyarah yang awesome, akhirnya setel jugak. Haha rasa macam buat Acknowledgement dalam FYP pulak. XD Sometimes aku rasa susahnyaaaaa nak selesaikan semua ni. Stressnya Ya Allah, sampai menangis dalam SACC. Urgh seriously aku menangis dalam SACC Shah Alam. Malu gila tapi time tu super stress. Dengan orang ramai lalu lalang, semua pandang. Nasib baik ada member yang lalu tepi (kebetulan gila) dan diorg pun terus "Eh yan kenapa kenapa?". Haha Thanks for your concern guys. :D Ada lecturer yang gatal (you guys know who I meant) dan ada lecturer yang kami respect sampai sekarang dan still in contact. Banyak kerenah, tak kira kawan atau lawan, pensyarah atau jiran, banyak yang aku belajar dari 4 tahun lebih (almost 5 years) di Shah Alam. Ada one time, aku super broke sampai stuck kat CM tak boleh nak balik. Luckily aku ni licik (nak kata bijak tak la tapi street smart boleh kot). Alhamdulillah bernyawa sampai sekarang. 

All in all, aku rasa bertuah sebab dapat belajar kat UiTM. Tak kisahlah orang kata aku ni tak berkembang ke, makan duit rakyat ke, budak uitm ramai rosak ke, yang penting aku memang bangga jadi graduan UiTM. UiTM banyak mengajar aku erti kehidupan. Banyak konflik, banyak dugaan, tapi aku survive. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?

Work and shit

What's the deal with me and work? Okey, nak cerita semua memang la post ni akan jadi panjang. Super panjang sebab aku (so far) buat 3 kerja dalam masa 4 bulan (4 termasuk yang aku bakal pergi). Macam mana aku nak start? Okey aku rasa yang lepas tu biarkan lepas. Internship aku menarik. sangat menarik tapi ada komplikasi yang aku rasa tak perlu didedahkan disini. TAPI, hasil dari internship itu, aku dapat jumpa dengan one of the coolest boss ever, KAK YANTI! She's so cool and sweet and smart and capable of everything. She's Indonesian by the way. Dah nak kahwin dah pun. Argh kak yanti I miss you! XD

Me, Kak Yanti and Faz (one of the interns)

Well. I finish my internship in 31 Jan 2013, Thursday. I know it's Thursday and there's one more day to go before the week finish but I couldn't wait anymore so we (the interns) both quit. So that's that. And then my nightmares begin.

The night of Living Vampire

I was officially unemployed for 2 months. Walaupun ada sesetengah orang akan berkata, "Eleh baru 2 bulan menganggur" tapi kau dan aku lain. Kau nak menganggur 5,6 bulan pun kalau kau happy itu kau punya pasal. Aku tak campur dan aku tak nak komen. Tapi aku tak boleh duduk rumah saje-saje. Duit tak masuk so nak keluar susah, terperap dalam rumah, langsung tak nampak sinar matahari. Nak ajak kawan keluar semua tak boleh. Either busy belajar or busy kerja or jauh. Aku jadi depressed gila. Sebab tu aku rasa berat aku naik mendadak. Serious. 10 out of 10 cakap aku makin gemuk. HAHAHA WHATEVER (Jenis taknak terima hakikat). haha Resume aku tu memang merata dah aku hantar. Bukan takat apply kat IT HR, segala jenis Assistant (sebab assistant ni targeted to fresh grad selalunya). Siap apply librarian oo! Memang impian aku pun nak jadi librarian. Saje test nasib. Aku pasrah je masa hantar resume. Biarlah gaji rendah pun. Aku redha. Sebab aku sedar, aku sebagai fresh grad, I got nothing to offer. Letakla list panjang-panjang pun tentang kehebatan aku, apa yang diorang pandang ialah pengalaman. So be it.

Aku pergi interview tak banyak. Cuma ada satu jawatan tu yang aku kesal sangat tak dapat. Takla hebat mana pun jawatan tu, cuma aku rasa berminat. Sebab company event organizer. Menarik kan? Meh aku tambah lagi. Event Organizer for WEDDING PREPARATION. Haaaaaaaaa. Lagi seribu kali seronok kan? Tapi tu la. Takde rezeki untuk aku. Mungkin sebab aku ni noob dalam interview, banyak kesilapan yang aku buat. Depressed aku tak lama. Dalam 2 minggu. Tapi depressed tahap memerap dalam bilik, sampai nak tengok matahari pun susah. Tapi alhamdulillah, ada kawan yang memberi semangat, tolong aku analisa kesilapan aku, tolong aku cari kerja. At this point I was so desperate aku rasa kerja yang gaji tak sampai seribu pun takpela. Janji kerja halal. 

The Alternative

So, melihatkan keadaan aku yang tak serupa orang, my dearest daddy tolong. He got a friend yang boleh tolong aku untuk bangkit semula. And so, aku pun boleh la bangun sikit-sikit. Ada jugak la strong reason untuk aku bangun awal dan melihat matahari. Aku pergi exam dan lepas. Dan alhamdulillah aku boleh la nampak hala tuju aku sikit-sikit. What that is? Well yes ladies and gentleman, the thing I'm talking about is INSURANCE. 


Okey tak la dramatic macam tu pun kan sebenarnya. Ada je yang dah tahu pasal ni sebab aku datang promote kat hangpa kan. Mungkin ada yang lepas baca ni "Isyh tak nak la jumpa Yan pasni dia nak promote insurance la tu". Takpela. Reject me at first. You'll need me later. Sebab, aku bukan ajak join MLM. Aku tak ajak masuk business yang tak nampak untung. This is about protection. Setiap manusia perlukan protection. Even nak beli kereta pun perlukan insurans. Tapi kenapa diri sendiri tak di-insurans kan? Pelik tak? Haaaaa.. So, sila la pm aku tanya pasal insurans. Free consultation. Sebab orang tak faham insurans ni apa. Sebab tu ramai yang tak nak amek. Tapi tanya je la. Aku boleh je jawab. Insya allah. 

Black Knight

Dalam masa aku masih bertatih dalam insurans ni, kebetulan ada offer untuk bekerja di syarikat B. Alhamdulillah. Aku mulanya berbelah bagi untuk bekerja ni, sebab aku nampak masa depan aku di Prudential, tapi takpela. Aku perlukan pengalaman. So aku terima. Basically company ni menarik. It's a landscape management company.  Pandangan aku terhadap company ni? Like every other company, memang politik dia ada la. Plus it's a growing company so yeah. Nak berkembang ni banyak rintangan dia. And once again I've been blessed with wonderful wonderful boss. Technically she's not the boss, cuma senior aku tapi aku belajar/kerja bersama dia. Kak Sarimah is wonderful. Dia very capable dan nampak muda sangat. At first aku ingatkan dia baru 25 single tapi ha amek kau dah kawen ada anak 3, umur 30+ kau! Nampak macam anak dara sangat. Macam budak fresh grad. Serious kalau korang tengok pun sama.

Cuma, tu lah. Rezeki tuhan. Hari ke-3 aku bekerja kat company B, dapat satu phone call cakap diorang nak suruh aku datang interview. Rezeki hari lahir agaknya. Memang masa birthday aku pun. Suruh aku datang interview Jumaat. Dan sekarang, aku bakal check-in pada 29 April 2013 di company baru aku, InsyaAllah. Doakan aku berjaya!! XD XD


What do we talk about when we talk about convocation? Biasanya masa tu akan jadi satu reunion yang besar-besaran, dengan masing-masing tanya updates masing-masing, banyak borak dan gossip. Yang penting, dapat naik pentas. Aku rasa, this is the only time yang aku akan ada convo. So far, aku tak de rasa nak sambung master walaupun mak aku beribu kali hint yang dia nak aku sambung master. Tapi aku ni jenis anak yang degil lagi keras kepala. Jadi aku kata tidak. So lama-lama mak aku give up. Haha. Masa high school takde naik pentas (sebab SPM biasa-biasa je). Matrix memang tak de konvo or graduate day. Aku tak tau matrikulasi lain tapi Matrik Kedah (yeah KMK Rox!) memang tak ada konvo. Aku jadi super excited untuk konvo aku nanti. Aku nak baju baru, kasut baru, padahal semua tu nanti kena kover dengan jubah, tapi aku nak jugak. Beria gila. Padahal income ada la ciput je. Aku nak jugak. Nak jugak! (syndrome anak bongsu). Moga dapatla aku tunaikan impian kecil aku ni. Amin.


Since everyone keeps asking about that Mr Right, saya cuma tersenyum dan berkata, "Doakan kami langsung cepat-cepat ye" dan hanya mampu tergelak.

Sekian sahaja updates dari saya. Doakan saya survive dalam kerjaya dan masa hadapan. :D

Feb 15, 2013

Status : Completed

Examination Result : TM (Complete). 

Feb 3, 2013


Qila lihat sekeliling. Meriah. Penuh dengan orang. Masing-masing enak menjamu selera. 

Memang Kafe Bites menjadi tumpuan. Bila tengahari tiba, manusia penuh mengerumuni. Pelbagai pilihan, enak pula. 

Qila tersenyum. Dulu bukan begini. Pengorbanan ke Prof Stephen berhasil. 2 bungkusan yang prof bagi berkesan. Arahannya sangat jelas. Setiap masakan, titiskan 2 titik ubat pertama. Sel otak pelanggan akan jadi sangat aktif, merangsang deria rasa ke tahap maksima. Buat semua naik gila, teringat-ingat masakan Qila. Namun side-effect bahaya. Perlu antidote segera. 

Penyelesaian Qila senang sahaja. 

“Bukan semua yang aku suka. Yang menghina, tak diberi gula-gula penawar. Biar sakit jiwa”.

Qila memang pendendam orangnya.

Jan 27, 2013

One day

One day, you'll meet someone.

Someone who saw you in every way possible.
Your bad, your good.
How you eat, how you chew.
How you smile, how fake is your smile.
How ugly your face is when you cry.
How lazy you are. How diligent you are.

How you continue being obsessed with weird stuffs,
like Arashi, and comic books, and sushi.
How you can be so hyper at times,
and it makes you dance weirdly.
How cranky you can be when you're tired,
How you can be so absorbed in one thing,
like reading books or comics,
and how he understands that and gave you your time.
How he knows what makes you happy,
by buying you foods,
and listen to your rambling
even though it makes no sense.

How perfectly he can understand that while skyping,
you were not focused on him
but reading manga online instead.
Despite all that, he always laugh and asked you to continue reading.
And how those moments were so vividly clear in your mind
make you miss him so much.

And after everything that happened, he will still love you.

Can't believe it's already 6 years of happiness.
And everyday made me love you more and more.

Happy 6th anniversary dear.
Be safe out there. 

Jan 14, 2013


Dia terikat. Mulut disumbat. Panik.

Hazlan diam. Telinganya peka mendengar bunyi tapak kaki. Mungkin mereka masih di luar. Dia kena senyap. Kalau mereka perasan, habis musnah rancangan.

Dia tahu, ini akan terjadi. Masa mereka mengikat tangan Hazlan, dia bijak untuk menggenggam tangan dan meninggalkan sedikit ruang, supaya mudah untuk meloloskan jarinya. Bila Hazlan pasti mereka dah pergi, dia mulakan rancangannya.

“Sial la. Sakit tangan aku.” Keluh Hazlan dalam hati.

Sikit demi sedikit jarinya mula bebas. Bila tangan dah lepas, mulut bukan lagi satu masalah.

Hazlan lega. Pintu stor dibuka. Dia mengeluh. Perkara buli seperti ini akan terjadi lagi. Sampai bila-bila. 

Jan 2, 2013


I hope this year will end well..

Dec 3, 2012

Big Bad Wolf is back bitches

Big Bad Wolf is back!

Aku tak percaya cepat gila masa berlalu and now, here he comes! Okey, first for introduction, what is Big Bad Wolf? Bid Bad Wolf is super awesome events where they sell books for 80-90% off their real prices. The real owner of BBW also owns BookXcess. 

BookXcess has the same concept however, it is not mass produced as BBW. The prices are lower than average bookstores (still cheap, you could get books for rm20+ when all the other bookstores sell those at rm30++). I went there before and I must say I’m quite satisfied. Not good at explaining so check The Malaysian Reader’s blog and see for yourself. 

Okey. Back to BBW. 

Since I went there before, I feel obligated to give a few tips for those who wanted to go. There’s a few thing you could do before going to BBW. As one would say, a battle will be lost without a proper preparation. 

Before going :

  1. You have to know that there’s thousands (in fact, BBW announce it will be MILLIONS) of books there. Nak tak nak mesti rambang mata. With all those cheap prices, who could resist? So kena prepare dulu buku apa nak dengan surf website BBW : http://bigbadwolfbooks.com/ . The website gives nothing but the title of the name and the writer. So kalau nak tengok buku ni best ke tidak, do like what I did. 

i.                  Surf for any books that might catch your eyes.

The Boy Who Could See Demon? Interesting….

ii.                   Got your title? Then surf into GoodReads.com and search for your book.

iii.                  Interested? Put it in a list so that you won’t forget.

Easy peasy. But you have to remember, there are thousands of books that are not listed in here. So be prepared to spend some more money than you budget. Who knows what you will find there.

2. Wear your battle outfit. No high heels or anything that made you uncomfortable. Remember, you are going to a battle. Long hours of hunting and possibility of pushing through a lot of people just browse some books.

3. Bring big case (or roller bag, anything you fancy). Because after paying they’ll give you this cheap (easily rip) plastic bag and you’ll need something tougher than that to hold you books. Well if you are going by car then it’s no problem. But for me who gonna use the public transportation, I might wanna be more careful about this. Taknak la nanti buku rosak pulak kan

During the battle:

1. While you are browsing for books, please please please be nice to other people. You have to remember that other people wanted the books in a nice condition too. Too many people browse around for books, and then THEY GOT GREEDY. They take every book possible and then when they decided not to buy them, they just put it somewhere else. Susah sangat ke nak bagi kat staff yang ada. KAN KE SUSAH UNTUK ORANG LAIN AMEK BUKU TERSEBUT? KENAPA SELFISH SANGAT?!

And the other thing is, bila browse buku, tak reti nak letak buku tu balik elok-elok. I mean come on. That’s the reason why I didn’t want to go on weekends. I’m expecting to see people who touch every book and then placed it wrongly. Abes terlipat-lipat buku tu. I probably end up as BBW staffs, handling the books and placing them back.

2. Last year, when I went to BBW for the first time, I was so overwhelmed for the massive cheap books and I grab every book possible. (I’m GUILTY AS CHARGED). So eventually your books won’t be enough. As a solution,  the smart wolf provides a counter and boxes, for us to drop our books there and continue hunting other books.

 Picture courtesy from here

And lastly, happy hunting! I wish you the best hunting possible and may the rest of your life (until the next BBW) be filled with books and excitement! :D

Nov 6, 2012

Without You

I want you to be brave.
to have faith in yourself.I want you to be strong and believe in your decisions.
never regret, never look back.
there's nothing frighten me more than the thought of someday,
when you look back in this moment, and you start to think,
"how I regret the decision I made that day".

your decision may hurt someone, and you have to know that it is okay.
It's okey to be selfish sometimes.
It's okay.
It's okay even if it's me you've hurt.

I want you to live your life proudly, even though it not as big as anyone else,
even though it is just a small achievement,
I want you to know that I'm so proud of you.

I want you to always live in your dream.
To be running and climbing one step after another,
with nothing stopping you,
I want you to live your life to the fullest.
sky is the limit.
to climb every mountain,to finish every task.
even though it hurts, I don't want you to quit.

Things happened. they just do.
and sometimes we are weak.

I want you to know that I can be your strength.
even if we are apart,
I can be there when you need me.
I'll be your back bone.
even if your heart can't take it anymore, I will.
I want you to know that you are never alone.
you have me.
and I have you.

and I'll be just right here.

They all think I have it all.
I've nothing without you.
All my dreams and all the lights mean
Nothing without you.

Without You - Lana Del Rey